To calculate the network coverage percentage in OMNeT++ has includes establishing the serving of a particular area or set of nodes that is efficiently covered by the network. Coverage is a key metric in wireless networks, sensor networks, and other kinds of communication networks, where make sure that all related areas or devices are in communication range is crucial.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Network coverage percentage usually refers to:
Generate a network topology that contains nodes with a particular communication range in OMNeT++. We may want to set up a scenario that contains both nodes and an area of interest.
Example: Define a Network with Coverage Components in NED
network CoverageNetwork {
baseStation: BaseStation;
node[10]: WirelessNode; // Array of 10 wireless nodes
For area coverage, the goal is to verify what percentage of the area is covered by at least one node’s communication range.
Example: Implementing Area Coverage in OMNeT++
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace omnetpp;
class BaseStation : public cSimpleModule {
double coverageRadius = 100.0; // Example coverage radius
double areaWidth = 500.0; // Width of the area
double areaHeight = 500.0; // Height of the area
int gridResolution = 10; // Grid resolution for area coverage calculation
virtual void initialize() override {
// Calculate coverage percentage
double coveragePercentage = calculateAreaCoverage();
EV << “Coverage Percentage: ” << coveragePercentage << “%” << std::endl;
recordScalar(“Coverage Percentage”, coveragePercentage);
double calculateAreaCoverage() {
int coveredPoints = 0;
int totalPoints = 0;
// Iterate over a grid of points in the area
for (double x = 0; x <= areaWidth; x += gridResolution) {
for (double y = 0; y <= areaHeight; y += gridResolution) {
if (isPointCovered(x, y)) {
return (double)coveredPoints / totalPoints * 100.0;
bool isPointCovered(double x, double y) {
// Check if the point (x, y) is within the coverage radius of any node
for (int i = 0; i < getParentModule()->par(“numNodes”); i++) {
cModule *node = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“node”, i);
double nodeX = node->par(“x”);
double nodeY = node->par(“y”);
double distance = sqrt(pow(x – nodeX, 2) + pow(y – nodeY, 2));
if (distance <= coverageRadius) {
return true;
return false;
For node coverage, the goal is to establish what percentage of the nodes are in the communication range of one or more further nodes.
Example: Implementing Node Coverage in OMNeT++
class NodeCoverage : public cSimpleModule {
double coverageRadius = 100.0; // Example communication range radius
int totalNodes;
virtual void initialize() override {
totalNodes = getParentModule()->par(“numNodes”);
// Calculate node coverage percentage
double nodeCoveragePercentage = calculateNodeCoverage();
EV << “Node Coverage Percentage: ” << nodeCoveragePercentage << “%” << std::endl;
recordScalar(“Node Coverage Percentage”, nodeCoveragePercentage);
double calculateNodeCoverage() {
int coveredNodes = 0;
// Check each node to see if it is covered by any other node
for (int i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) {
if (isNodeCovered(i)) {
return (double)coveredNodes / totalNodes * 100.0;
bool isNodeCovered(int nodeIndex) {
cModule *node = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“node”, nodeIndex);
double nodeX = node->par(“x”);
double nodeY = node->par(“y”);
for (int i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) {
if (i == nodeIndex) continue; // Skip the same node
cModule *otherNode = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“node”, i);
double otherX = otherNode->par(“x”);
double otherY = otherNode->par(“y”);
double distance = sqrt(pow(nodeX – otherX, 2) + pow(nodeY – otherY, 2));
if (distance <= coverageRadius) {
return true;
return false;
Run the simulation, and the coverage modules will compute and log the coverage percentages both area and node coverage as part of the simulation results.
Examine the coverage percentage to measure how well the network covers the area or how well nodes are covered by the network infrastructure after the simulation.
For more complete coverage analysis, we may need to:
In this example, the BaseStation module computes the area coverage percentage, and the NodeCoverage module determines the node coverage percentage. These percentages are recorded as scalar results that can be evaluated after the simulation.
network CoverageExample {
baseStation: BaseStation;
node[10]: WirelessNode; // Array of 10 wireless nodes
To observe the recorded coverage percentages, which will support to know how effectively the network covers the required area or nodes.
We had offered the comprehensive notes, know the concepts and procedure to calculate and analyse the Network Coverage Percentage using OMNeT++. We will offer additional informations using other tools. Share your parameter information with us, and we will assist you with the Network Coverage Percentage in the omnet++ tool for your project. We manage network project performance based on your requirements. The experts at are here to help you with your research.