To calculate the network connectivity robustness in OMNeT++ has needs to encompass calculating the network’s ability to maintain connections among nodes under numerous conditions, like node failures, link failures, or changes in network topology. It is a key metric for measuring the resilience of a network, especially in dynamic environments like mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) or sensor networks.
Steps to Calculate Network Connectivity Robustness in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation: Connectivity Ratio Calculation
The following is an example of how to calculate the connectivity ratio in OMNeT++:
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace omnetpp;
class ConnectivityModule : public cSimpleModule {
std::vector<bool> nodeStatus; // Track the status (connected/disconnected) of each node
int totalNodes;
int connectedNodes;
virtual void initialize() override {
totalNodes = par(“totalNodes”);
nodeStatus.resize(totalNodes, true); // Assume all nodes start as connected
// Schedule the first check for connectivity
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“checkInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“checkConnectivity”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “checkConnectivity”) == 0) {
// Check the connectivity of all nodes
connectedNodes = std::count(nodeStatus.begin(), nodeStatus.end(), true);
// Calculate the connectivity ratio
double connectivityRatio = (double)connectedNodes / totalNodes * 100.0;
EV << “Connectivity Ratio: ” << connectivityRatio << “%\n”;
// Schedule the next connectivity check
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“checkInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);
// Simulate a node failure (you would typically call this from another part of your simulation)
void simulateNodeFailure(int nodeId) {
if (nodeId >= 0 && nodeId < totalNodes) {
nodeStatus[nodeId] = false;
EV << “Node ” << nodeId << ” has failed and is now disconnected.\n”;
// Example of how you might determine if a node is connected
bool isNodeConnected(int nodeId) {
// This is a simple check; in a real scenario, you would need to perform graph traversal
return nodeStatus[nodeId];
Additional Considerations:
In conclusion, we had execute how to calculate the Network Connectivity Robustness in OMNeT++. It is helps to calculate the network ability and maintain conditions between nodes. We will distribute added details about Network Connectivity Robustness in various tools.
Share the specifics of your project parameters so that we may assist you in evaluating the Network Connectivity Robustness using the OMNeT++ tool. We will conduct a comparative analysis and deliver precise results. Should you require suggestions for project implementation or comparative analysis, we are available to provide assistance in that regard.