To calculate the network connection loss in OMNeT++ has includes detecting and measuring the sample where a connection among the two nodes is lost or disturbed during the simulation and this parameter is significant in scenarios where network reliability is crucial like in mobile networks, IoT, or any real-time communication systems.
Steps to Calculate Network Connection Loss in OMNeT++
bool connectionActive = true; // Track the state of the connection
simtime_t connectionLostTime; // Time when the connection is lost
simtime_t totalConnectionLostDuration = 0; // Total duration of connection loss
int connectionLossCount = 0; // Track the number of connection losses
void onPacketTimeout() {
if (connectionActive) {
connectionActive = false; // Mark connection as lost
connectionLostTime = simTime(); // Record the time when the connection was lost
connectionLossCount++; // Increment the count of connection losses
EV << “Connection lost at: ” << connectionLostTime << endl;
void onConnectionRestored() {
if (!connectionActive) {
simtime_t connectionRestoredTime = simTime();
simtime_t lossDuration = connectionRestoredTime – connectionLostTime;
totalConnectionLostDuration += lossDuration;
connectionActive = true; // Mark connection as active
EV << “Connection restored at: ” << connectionRestoredTime << ” after ” << lossDuration << ” s” << endl;
simtime_t averageLossDuration = totalConnectionLostDuration / connectionLossCount;
recordScalar(“Total Connection Loss Count”, connectionLossCount);
recordScalar(“Total Connection Lost Duration (s)”, totalConnectionLostDuration.dbl());
recordScalar(“Average Connection Loss Duration (s)”, averageLossDuration.dbl());
Example Implementation in OMNeT++
The below is the sample to implement the calculation of network connection loss in an OMNeT++ module:
class ConnectionMonitor : public cSimpleModule {
bool connectionActive;
simtime_t connectionLostTime;
simtime_t totalConnectionLostDuration;
int connectionLossCount;
virtual void initialize() override {
connectionActive = true; // Assume connection starts as active
totalConnectionLostDuration = 0;
connectionLossCount = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Handle self-messages like timeouts
} else {
// Handle incoming packets
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
// Example logic to detect connection restoration
if (!connectionActive) {
// Process the packet further if necessary
delete pkt; // Clean up the packet
void onPacketTimeout() {
if (connectionActive) {
connectionActive = false; // Mark connection as lost
connectionLostTime = simTime(); // Record the time when the connection was lost
EV << “Connection lost at: ” << connectionLostTime << endl;
void onConnectionRestored() {
if (!connectionActive) {
simtime_t connectionRestoredTime = simTime();
simtime_t lossDuration = connectionRestoredTime – connectionLostTime;
totalConnectionLostDuration += lossDuration;
connectionActive = true; // Mark connection as active
EV << “Connection restored at: ” << connectionRestoredTime << ” after ” << lossDuration << ” s” << endl;
virtual void finish() override {
if (connectionLossCount > 0) {
simtime_t averageLossDuration = totalConnectionLostDuration / connectionLossCount;
recordScalar(“Total Connection Loss Count”, connectionLossCount);
recordScalar(“Total Connection Lost Duration (s)”, totalConnectionLostDuration.dbl());
recordScalar(“Average Connection Loss Duration (s)”, averageLossDuration.dbl());
EV << “Total Connection Loss Count: ” << connectionLossCount << endl;
EV << “Total Connection Lost Duration: ” << totalConnectionLostDuration << ” s” << endl;
EV << “Average Connection Loss Duration: ” << averageLossDuration << ” s” << endl;
} else {
EV << “No connection loss detected during the simulation.” << endl;
We obviously learned and validate how to calculate and measure the network connection loss using the OMNeT++ tool and we also offer the more additional information concerning the network connection loss.
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