To calculate the Network cluster head lifetime in OMNeT++ has requires to include observing the time taken for which a node serves as a cluster head earlier it either runs out of energy, is substituted, or fails for other reasons. Cluster head lifetime is a difficult metric in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and other network kinds that use clustering to enhance resource usage.
The following procedure is helps to calculate the cluster head lifetime in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Initially, make sure the network model contains:
We require to track when a node becomes a cluster head and when it stops presence a cluster head. It can be done using variables to store the start and end times.
Example: Cluster Head Start and End Times
simtime_t clusterHeadStartTime;
simtime_t clusterHeadEndTime;
bool isClusterHead = false;
void becomeClusterHead() {
clusterHeadStartTime = simTime();
isClusterHead = true;
EV << “Node became cluster head at ” << clusterHeadStartTime << endl;
void stopBeingClusterHead() {
clusterHeadEndTime = simTime();
isClusterHead = false;
simtime_t lifetime = clusterHeadEndTime – clusterHeadStartTime;
EV << “Node stopped being cluster head at ” << clusterHeadEndTime << “, lifetime: ” << lifetime << ” seconds” << endl;
recordScalar(“Cluster Head Lifetime”, lifetime);
Follow the node’s energy consumption over time. If the energy drops below a certain threshold, the node should end being a cluster head.
double energy = 100.0; // Example initial energy
double energyConsumptionRate = 0.1; // Example consumption rate per second
void consumeEnergy() {
energy -= energyConsumptionRate * SIMTIME_DBL(simTime() – lastUpdateTime);
lastUpdateTime = simTime();
if (energy <= 0 && isClusterHead) {
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
consumeEnergy(); // Update energy before processing the message
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “startClusterHead”) == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “stopClusterHead”) == 0) {
// Further message processing…
send(msg, “out”);
In the simulation, trigger the node to become a cluster head under some conditions like based on an election algorithm, proximity to other nodes, or periodically. The node should also end being a cluster head when its energy is depleted or when a new cluster head is elected.
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
consumeEnergy(); // Update energy
if (isClusterHead && energy <= 0) {
stopBeingClusterHead(); // Stop being cluster head if energy is depleted
} else if (!isClusterHead && shouldBecomeClusterHead()) {
// Process the message as usual
send(msg, “out”);
bool shouldBecomeClusterHead() {
// Implement your logic to decide if the node should become a cluster head
return (energy > 50); // Example: become cluster head if energy > 50 units
After the node stops being a cluster head note the lifetime for analysis. This data can be emitted as a signal or recorded as a scalar value for post-simulation analysis.
simsignal_t clusterHeadLifetimeSignal;
void initialize() override {
clusterHeadLifetimeSignal = registerSignal(“clusterHeadLifetime”);
void stopBeingClusterHead() {
clusterHeadEndTime = simTime();
isClusterHead = false;
simtime_t lifetime = clusterHeadEndTime – clusterHeadStartTime;
EV << “Node stopped being cluster head at ” << clusterHeadEndTime << “, lifetime: ” << lifetime << ” seconds” << endl;
emit(clusterHeadLifetimeSignal, lifetime);
recordScalar(“Cluster Head Lifetime”, lifetime);
Perform the simulation and analyse the recorded cluster head lifetimes. We can watch how factors like energy consumption rate, node positioning, or clustering algorithms affect the longevity of cluster heads.
Example Scenario
Given below is an example that shows how to calculate cluster head lifetime in an OMNeT++ module:
class SensorNode : public cSimpleModule {
simtime_t clusterHeadStartTime;
simtime_t clusterHeadEndTime;
bool isClusterHead = false;
double energy = 100.0;
double energyConsumptionRate = 0.1;
simsignal_t clusterHeadLifetimeSignal;
simtime_t lastUpdateTime;
virtual void initialize() override {
clusterHeadLifetimeSignal = registerSignal(“clusterHeadLifetime”);
lastUpdateTime = simTime();
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
consumeEnergy(); // Update energy before processing the message
if (isClusterHead && energy <= 0) {
} else if (!isClusterHead && shouldBecomeClusterHead()) {
// Further message processing…
send(msg, “out”);
void becomeClusterHead() {
clusterHeadStartTime = simTime();
isClusterHead = true;
EV << “Node became cluster head at ” << clusterHeadStartTime << endl;
void stopBeingClusterHead() {
clusterHeadEndTime = simTime();
isClusterHead = false;
simtime_t lifetime = clusterHeadEndTime – clusterHeadStartTime;
EV << “Node stopped being cluster head at ” << clusterHeadEndTime << “, lifetime: ” << lifetime << ” seconds” << endl;
emit(clusterHeadLifetimeSignal, lifetime);
recordScalar(“Cluster Head Lifetime”, lifetime);
void consumeEnergy() {
energy -= energyConsumptionRate * SIMTIME_DBL(simTime() – lastUpdateTime);
lastUpdateTime = simTime();
if (energy <= 0 && isClusterHead) {
bool shouldBecomeClusterHead() {
// Example logic: become cluster head if energy > 50 units
return (energy > 50);
After running the simulation, use OMNeT++’s analysis tools to observe the recorded cluster head lifetimes. This analysis can support to know the effectiveness of the clustering algorithm and the impact of energy consumption on network longevity.
Therefore, we had expressed more details and steps to execute and calculate the Network Cluster head lifetime in OMNeT++. Further informations we will offer as per your desires. Share your parameter specifics with us, and we’ll help you manage the lifetime of your Network Cluster head in the OMNeT++ tool for your project. We specialize in optimizing network project performance based on your parameters. At, our top experts are ready to support you in your research endeavors.