To calculate the network capacity in OMNeT++, we have to state the maximum number of data which can be managed through a certain period in the network. Network capacity is frequently measured in bits per second (bps) and can be influenced by factors like link data rates, network topology, traffic patterns, and protocol overhead.
Steps to Calculate Network Capacity in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation: Measuring Network Throughput
Sample of how to calculate network capacity by measuring the total throughput in OMNeT++:
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class ThroughputModule : public cSimpleModule {
int64_t totalBitsSent; // Total number of bits sent across the network
simsignal_t throughputSignal; // Signal to record throughput
virtual void initialize() override {
totalBitsSent = 0;
throughputSignal = registerSignal(“throughputSignal”);
// Schedule the first packet send
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“sendPacket”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendPacket”) == 0) {
// Simulate sending a packet
int packetSize = par(“packetSize”).intValue(); // in bytes
int64_t bitsSent = packetSize * 8; // Convert to bits
totalBitsSent += bitsSent;
// Schedule the next packet send
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“sendPacket”));
delete msg;
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “dataPacket”) == 0) {
// Packet received at destination
// Optionally, you could add logic here to calculate per-link throughput
delete msg;
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate total simulation time
simtime_t totalTime = simTime();
// Calculate and record throughput (bits per second)
double throughput = (double)totalBitsSent / totalTime.dbl(); // in bps
emit(throughputSignal, throughput);
EV << “Total Bits Sent: ” << totalBitsSent << ” bits\n”;
EV << “Total Simulation Time: ” << totalTime << ” seconds\n”;
EV << “Calculated Network Throughput (Capacity): ” << throughput / 1e6 << ” Mbps\n”;
Additional Considerations:
In this procedure, we provided the detailed guide on how to calculate the network capacity in OMNeT++ and their execution using samples to help you understand it. If you need any information about this calculation, we will provide them.
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