To calculate the network buffering in OMNeT++ encompasses measuring how data packets are queued in network buffers before existing processed or transmitted. Buffering is a vital metric in network simulations, particularly when analysing packet loss, latency, and overall network performance. Provide us with your parameter details, and we will assist you with your Network Buffering in omnet++ tool for your project. We carry on network project performance for your parameters. have the leading experts to guide you on your research work.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
To simulate buffering, make sure that the network nodes like routers, switches have a buffer employed. OMNeT++ offers numerous queue modules that can be used to denote buffers, like cQueue, DropTailQueue, or custom queues.
Example: Setting up a Simple Queue
cQueue packetQueue; // Queue to hold packets
void initialize() override {
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Add the packet to the queue
To determine buffering, we require to track the occupancy of the buffer over time, containing the number of packets or the entire amount of data in the buffer.
Example: Tracking Buffer Occupancy
int maxBufferSize = 100; // Maximum buffer size (number of packets)
int currentBufferSize = 0;
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (currentBufferSize < maxBufferSize) {
// Insert packet into the queue and increase buffer size counter
} else {
// Buffer overflow: handle dropped packet
void processNextPacket() {
if (!packetQueue.isEmpty()) {
// Process the next packet in the queue
cMessage *nextPacket = (cMessage *)packetQueue.pop();
send(nextPacket, “out”);
void handlePacketDrop(cMessage *msg) {
EV << “Packet dropped due to buffer overflow.” << endl;
delete msg; // Discard the packet
There are numerous buffering-related metrics we may need to measure, involving:
Example: Measuring Buffer Occupancy and Buffering Delay
simsignal_t bufferOccupancySignal;
simsignal_t bufferingDelaySignal;
void initialize() override {
bufferOccupancySignal = registerSignal(“bufferOccupancy”);
bufferingDelaySignal = registerSignal(“bufferingDelay”);
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (currentBufferSize < maxBufferSize) {
// Insert packet into the queue
emit(bufferOccupancySignal, currentBufferSize); // Emit buffer occupancy signal
} else {
// Handle packet drop
void processNextPacket() {
if (!packetQueue.isEmpty()) {
// Process the next packet in the queue
cMessage *nextPacket = (cMessage *)packetQueue.pop();
simtime_t bufferingDelay = simTime() – nextPacket->getCreationTime();
emit(bufferingDelaySignal, bufferingDelay); // Emit buffering delay signal
send(nextPacket, “out”);
Run the simulation to gather data on buffer delay, buffering occupancy, and other related metrics. The signals emitted during the simulation can be recorded for evaluation.
Examine the recorded data to measure the network’s buffering performance after the simulation. Key analysis points contain:
If buffering issues like high delays or frequent packet drops are monitored, consider optimizing the network by adjusting buffer sizes, executing flow control mechanisms, or changing traffic patterns.
Given example is to calculate network buffering in an OMNeT++ module:
class NetworkNode : public cSimpleModule {
cQueue packetQueue;
int maxBufferSize = 100; // Maximum buffer size (number of packets)
int currentBufferSize = 0;
simsignal_t bufferOccupancySignal;
simsignal_t bufferingDelaySignal;
int packetsDropped = 0;
simsignal_t packetDropSignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
bufferOccupancySignal = registerSignal(“bufferOccupancy”);
bufferingDelaySignal = registerSignal(“bufferingDelay”);
packetDropSignal = registerSignal(“packetDropRate”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (currentBufferSize < maxBufferSize) {
// Insert packet into the queue
emit(bufferOccupancySignal, currentBufferSize); // Emit buffer occupancy signal
} else {
// Handle packet drop
void processNextPacket() {
if (!packetQueue.isEmpty()) {
// Process the next packet in the queue
cMessage *nextPacket = (cMessage *)packetQueue.pop();
simtime_t bufferingDelay = simTime() – nextPacket->getCreationTime();
emit(bufferingDelaySignal, bufferingDelay); // Emit buffering delay signal
send(nextPacket, “out”);
void handlePacketDrop(cMessage *msg) {
EV << “Packet dropped due to buffer overflow.” << endl;
emit(packetDropSignal, packetsDropped); // Emit packet drop signal
delete msg; // Discard the packet
virtual void finish() override {
// Record final statistics
recordScalar(“Total Packets Dropped”, packetsDropped);
Use OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools to observe the recorded metrics like buffer occupancy, buffering delay, and packet drop rate. This analysis will support to understand the buffering behaviour in the network and identify areas for improvement.
From this paper, we know the concepts and gain knowledge to calculate the Network Buffering in OMNeT++. We will provide valuable informations according to your needs.