To calculate the network buffer rate in OMNeT++ has needs to evaluate the rate at which data packets are queued (buffered) in a network node (like a router or switch) before being transmitted and these parameters can help to familiarize how well the network achieves traffic particular under high load conditions, and can signifies the possible bottlenecks. The given below is the procedures on how to calculate the buffer rate in OMNeT++
Steps to Calculate Network Buffer Rate in OMNeT++
The given below is the simple sample:
int packetsBuffered = 0;
simtime_t lastBufferTime;
double bufferRate = 0.0;
// When a packet is added to the buffer
void bufferPacket(cPacket *pkt) {
packetsBuffered++; // Increment the count of buffered packets
simtime_t currentTime = simTime(); // Get the current simulation time
if (lastBufferTime > 0) {
simtime_t timeInterval = currentTime – lastBufferTime; // Calculate the time interval
if (timeInterval > 0) {
bufferRate = packetsBuffered / timeInterval.dbl(); // Calculate the buffer rate
lastBufferTime = currentTime; // Update the last buffer time
// Example: Record the buffer rate every second (or after a specific event)
void recordBufferRate() {
if (lastBufferTime > 0) {
simtime_t currentTime = simTime();
simtime_t timeInterval = currentTime – lastBufferTime;
if (timeInterval > 0) {
bufferRate = packetsBuffered / timeInterval.dbl(); // Buffer rate in packets per second
recordScalar(“Buffer Rate (packets/s)”, bufferRate);
EV << “Buffer Rate: ” << bufferRate << ” packets/s” << endl;
int maxBufferSize = 100; // Example maximum buffer size
int currentBufferSize = 0; // Track current buffer size
void bufferPacket(cPacket *pkt) {
if (currentBufferSize < maxBufferSize) {
// Continue as usual
} else {
// Handle packet drop or overflow
EV << “Buffer overflow: Packet dropped” << endl;
Example Implementation in OMNeT++
Here’s a more complete instance of how we might execute buffer rate calculation in a simple OMNeT++ router module:
class SimpleRouter : public cSimpleModule {
int packetsBuffered;
simtime_t lastBufferTime;
double bufferRate;
int maxBufferSize;
int currentBufferSize;
virtual void initialize() override {
packetsBuffered = 0;
lastBufferTime = simTime();
bufferRate = 0.0;
maxBufferSize = 100;
currentBufferSize = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
// Buffer the packet
// Forward the packet or handle it
send(pkt, “out”);
void bufferPacket(cPacket *pkt) {
if (currentBufferSize < maxBufferSize) {
simtime_t currentTime = simTime();
if (lastBufferTime > 0) {
simtime_t timeInterval = currentTime – lastBufferTime;
if (timeInterval > 0) {
bufferRate = packetsBuffered / timeInterval.dbl();
recordScalar(“Buffer Rate (packets/s)”, bufferRate);
EV << “Buffer Rate: ” << bufferRate << ” packets/s” << endl;
lastBufferTime = currentTime;
} else {
EV << “Buffer overflow: Packet dropped” << endl;
delete pkt; // Handle overflow, e.g., drop the packet
In this demonstration we had successfully calculated the buffer rate in the transmitted network nodes using the OMNeT++ tool. More information on how the buffer rate will perform in other simulation tool. If you are conducting research and need help calculating the network buffer rate in the omnet++ tool, please provide us with your parameter details. We are here to offer you the best guidance!