To calculate the network availability in OMNeT++ requires estimating the proportion of time the network (or a specific node or link within the network) which is operational and successfully able to deliver packets. To know the reliability and uptime of the network, network availability is a key metric and it can be expressed as a percentage of the total simulation time. are leading developers who provide you with best simulation and implementation guidance , share with us your project details to guide you more.
Here’s a calculation of network availability with samples:
Steps to Calculate Network Availability in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation: Node Availability
Follow the sample approach to calculate node availability in OMNeT++:
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class NodeAvailabilityModule : public cSimpleModule {
simtime_t uptime; // Total time the node has been operational
simtime_t downtime; // Total time the node has been down
simtime_t lastChangeTime; // Last time the status changed (up or down)
bool isOperational; // Current status of the node (up or down)
simsignal_t availabilitySignal; // Signal to record availability
virtual void initialize() override {
uptime = 0;
downtime = 0;
lastChangeTime = simTime();
isOperational = true;
availabilitySignal = registerSignal(“availabilitySignal”);
// Schedule potential failures and recoveries
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“failureTime”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“fail”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “fail”) == 0) {
// Node failure event
if (isOperational) {
// Node was up, now going down
uptime += simTime() – lastChangeTime;
lastChangeTime = simTime();
isOperational = false;
EV << “Node ” << getId() << ” has failed.\n”;
// Schedule recovery
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“recoveryTime”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“recover”));
delete msg;
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “recover”) == 0) {
// Node recovery event
if (!isOperational) {
// Node was down, now coming back up
downtime += simTime() – lastChangeTime;
lastChangeTime = simTime();
isOperational = true;
EV << “Node ” << getId() << ” has recovered.\n”;
// Schedule the next failure
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“failureTime”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“fail”));
delete msg;
virtual void finish() override {
// If the simulation ends while the node is up, add the remaining time to uptime
if (isOperational) {
uptime += simTime() – lastChangeTime;
} else {
downtime += simTime() – lastChangeTime;
// Calculate availability
simtime_t totalTime = uptime + downtime;
double availability = (totalTime > 0) ? (uptime / totalTime).dbl() * 100.0 : 100.0;
// Emit the availability signal
emit(availabilitySignal, availability);
EV << “Node ” << getId() << ” Availability: ” << availability << “%\n”;
Additional Considerations:
Using this demonstration, we grasped detailed concept on how to calculate the network availability in the OMNeT++ and what is to use in there to implement it. We can help you out, if there is some doubts rises in this process.