To calculate the network authorization in OMNeT++ has requires to include mimicking and evaluating the process by which network entities like devices, users, or applications are granted or refused access to network resources based on predefined rules or policies. Authorization is an essential aspect of network security, make sure that only authorized entities can access particular services or data.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Network authorization determines what resources a user or device can access and what actions they can execute. It usually contains:
Generate a network topology where authorization points like firewalls, servers, or gateways control access to resources in OMNeT++. These details will enforce authorization rules.
Example: Define a Network with Authorization in NED
network AuthorizationNetwork {
client: Client;
authServer: AuthServer; // Server that authorizes access
resourceServer: ResourceServer; // Server providing the resource
client.out++ –>;
authServer.out++ –>;
In the OMNeT++ module denoting the authorization server, execute the logic to verify authorization before permitting access to resources.
Example: Implementing a Simple Authorization Server
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class AuthServer : public cSimpleModule {
int requestsAuthorized = 0;
int requestsDenied = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Check if the client is authorized to access the resource
if (isAuthorized(msg)) {
send(msg, “out”); // Forward to the resource server
} else {
EV << “Access denied by authorization server.” << endl;
delete msg; // Deny access
bool isAuthorized(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement your authorization logic here
// Example: Allow only clients with a specific token or role
return strcmp(msg->getName(), “authorizedRequest”) == 0;
virtual void finish() override {
// Record authorization metrics
recordScalar(“Requests Authorized”, requestsAuthorized);
recordScalar(“Requests Denied”, requestsDenied);
Make traffic from clients that contains both authorized and unauthorized requests. The authorization server will verify each request and either permit or deny access based on the rules.
Example: Traffic Simulation with Authorization Requests
class Client : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start generating authorized and unauthorized requests
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“authorizedRequest”));
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue() + 1, new cMessage(“unauthorizedRequest”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Send the request to the authorization server
send(msg, “out”);
Observer several aspects of the authorization process, like:
Example: Monitoring Authorization Metrics
class AuthServer : public cSimpleModule {
int requestsAuthorized = 0;
int requestsDenied = 0;
simsignal_t authorizationLatencySignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
authorizationLatencySignal = registerSignal(“authorizationLatency”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
simtime_t startTime = simTime();
if (isAuthorized(msg)) {
send(msg, “out”);
} else {
delete msg;
simtime_t endTime = simTime();
emit(authorizationLatencySignal, endTime – startTime);
bool isAuthorized(cMessage *msg) {
return strcmp(msg->getName(), “authorizedRequest”) == 0;
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Requests Authorized”, requestsAuthorized);
recordScalar(“Requests Denied”, requestsDenied);
Examine the effectiveness of the authorization system after running the simulation:
For more complex simulations, we may need to:
In this example, the AuthServer module manages authorization requests from clients. Authorized requests are pass on to the ResourceServer, while unauthorized requests are denied. Metrics like requests denied, authorization latency, and requests authorized, are recorded to assess the system’s effectiveness.
network AuthorizationExample {
client: Client;
authServer: AuthServer;
resourceServer: cModule;
client.out++ –>;
authServer.out++ –>;
Use OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools to examine the recorded metrics, like the number of requests authorized, authorization latency, and requests denied. This analysis will help to understand how efficiently the network’s authorization system is working and its impact on network performance and security.
We had given some details, implemented procedure and example to calculate Network Authorization in the tool OMNeT++. We will give more informations depends on your desires.
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