To calculate the Network Application Response Time in OMNeT++ has includes to evaluate the time taken for an application-level request to obtain a response from a remote service or server and these parameters is critical for measuring the performance of applications running over the network, as it directly affects the user experience. The given below is the procedures on how to execute the network application response time in OMNeT++:
Steps to Calculate Network Application Response Time in OMNeT++
simtime_t requestSentTime = simTime();
simtime_t responseReceivedTime = simTime();
simtime_t responseTime = responseReceivedTime – requestSentTime;
std::vector<simtime_t> responseTimes;
simtime_t totalResponseTime = 0;
for (auto &time : responseTimes) {
totalResponseTime += time;
simtime_t averageResponseTime = totalResponseTime / responseTimes.size();
recordScalar(“Average Application Response Time (s)”, averageResponseTime.dbl());
EV << “Average Application Response Time: ” << averageResponseTime << ” s” << endl;
Example Implementation in OMNeT++
In the below is the sample to implement the calculation of network application response time in an OMNeT++ module:
class AppClient : public cSimpleModule {
std::vector<simtime_t> responseTimes; // Store all response times
virtual void initialize() override {
// Initialization logic, if any
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Handle the case where this message is a self-message (e.g., for timers)
} else {
// Assuming msg is a packet containing the response
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
// Get the request sent time from the packet or stored context
simtime_t requestSentTime = pkt->par(“requestSentTime”);
// Calculate the response time
simtime_t responseReceivedTime = simTime();
simtime_t responseTime = responseReceivedTime – requestSentTime;
EV << “Response Time: ” << responseTime << ” s” << endl;
// Process the response packet further if necessary
delete pkt; // Clean up the packet
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate the average response time
if (responseTimes.empty()) {
EV << “No responses received. Cannot calculate average response time.” << endl;
simtime_t totalResponseTime = 0;
for (auto &time : responseTimes) {
totalResponseTime += time;
simtime_t averageResponseTime = totalResponseTime / responseTimes.size();
// Record the average response time
recordScalar(“Average Application Response Time (s)”, averageResponseTime.dbl());
EV << “Average Application Response Time: ” << averageResponseTime << ” s” << endl;
Through this approach, we deliberately learn the calculation process for application response time for network using the OMNeT++ tool. Additional specific details about the network response time will also be provided. To determine the Network Application Response Time using the OMNeT++ tool for your research, please share your parameter details with us, and we will provide you with the best guidance possible.