Through this article, you will able to understand the procedure to run .TCL file in Linux provided by our research professionals. Let’s begin this!!!
NS2 main TCL file
Initially, you have to write the NS2 main simulation source code and stored in the project folder with the file extension .tcl for make a simulation with 75 nodes,
Algorithms code in TCL
The list of supported algorithms, which are coded based on c++ are given below,
Reinforcement learning algorithm.
Run .TCL file in Linux
To run.TCL file in Linux, execute the following command in the Linux terminal window,
cd /home/research/Desktop/TCL_file_in_Linux
sudo ./ns Simulation_TCL_Fil
Once you run the .TCL file in Linux, then get the simulation result for run .TCL file in linux.
Through this article, we guide you with best significant steps to run .TCL file in Linux. If you have any further queries, please reach us…