High step-up voltage gain dc-dc converters are widely applied in fuel cell stacks, photovoltaic arrays, battery sources, and high intensity discharge lamps power systems. Active-network converters with coupled inductors (CL-ANC) are derived from switched inductor active-network converters (SL-ANC). The proposed converter contains two coupled inductors which can be integrated into one magnetic core and two power switches. The converter can provide a relatively high voltage conversion ratio with a small duty cycle; the voltage and current stress of power switches are low which is helpful to reduce the losses.
This paper shows the key waveforms of the CL-ANC and detailed derivation of the steady-state operation principle. The voltage conversion ratio and the effect of the leakage inductance on voltage gain are discussed. The voltage stress and current stress on the power devices are illustrated and the comparison between the proposed converter and SL-ANC are given. Finally, the prototype has been established in the lab with 200 V and 400 V output under different turn ratios. Experimental results are given to verify the correctness of the analysis.