To implement rapid fault handling in OMNeT++ has needs to emulate the network’s ability to identify, diagnose, and recover from faults quickly and this is usually contains the mechanisms for fault detection, fault localization, and rerouting or reconfiguring the network to reduce the downtime. The below is the procedure to execute the rapid fault handling in OMNeT++ with practical examples:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example: Node Module
simple Node {
inout linkIn[4]; // Four bidirectional links for simplicity
Example: Link Module
simple Link {
in linkIn; // Input from one node
out linkOut; // Output to another node
bool isFaulty = default(false); // Indicates if the link is currently faulty
double dataRate @unit(“bps”) = default(1Gbps); // Data rate of the link
Example: Fault Detection and Handling in C++
Link Module Logic:
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Link : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
virtual void initialize() override;
bool isFaulty; // Track the fault status
void Link::initialize() {
isFaulty = par(“isFaulty”);
void Link::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
if (isFaulty) {
EV << “Link is faulty, dropping packet.\n”;
delete msg; // Drop the packet if the link is faulty
} else {
double dataRate = par(“dataRate”).doubleValue();
simtime_t transmissionDelay = msg->getBitLength() / dataRate;
sendDelayed(msg, transmissionDelay, “linkOut”);
Node Module Logic:
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Node : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
void detectAndHandleFault();
void Node::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “faultNotification”) == 0) {
EV << “Fault detected, rerouting traffic.\n”;
} else {
// Normal packet forwarding logic
send(msg, “linkIn$o”, 0); // Forward to a specific link
void Node::detectAndHandleFault() {
// Logic to reroute traffic around the faulty link
// For example, choose an alternative link if available
// or notify the controller for centralized rerouting
Example: Controller-Based Rerouting
Controller Module Logic:
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Controller : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
void rerouteTraffic(int failedLinkId);
void Controller::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “faultNotification”) == 0) {
int failedLinkId = msg->par(“failedLinkId”);
void Controller::rerouteTraffic(int failedLinkId) {
// Global rerouting logic based on the network’s topology and current state
EV << “Rerouting traffic due to failure on link ” << failedLinkId << “.\n”;
// Notify nodes to update their routing tables or take specific actions
Example: Network Topology with Fault Handling in NED
network FaultHandledNetwork {
nodeA: Node;
nodeB: Node;
nodeC: Node;
controller: Controller;
linkAB: Link;
linkBC: Link;
linkCA: Link;
connections allowunconnected:
nodeA.linkIn[0] –> linkAB.linkIn;
linkAB.linkOut –> nodeB.linkIn[0];
nodeB.linkIn[1] –> linkBC.linkIn;
linkBC.linkOut –> nodeC.linkIn[0];
nodeC.linkIn[1] –> linkCA.linkIn;
linkCA.linkOut –> nodeA.linkIn[1];
// Controller connections for centralized control
nodeA.linkIn[2] –> controller.linkIn;
nodeB.linkIn[2] –> controller.linkIn;
nodeC.linkIn[2] –> controller.linkIn;
Example: Failure Prediction and Proactive Rerouting
Node Module Logic:
void Node::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “predictFailure”) == 0) {
EV << “Potential failure detected, initiating proactive rerouting.\n”;
// Proactively reroute traffic to avoid the predicted failure
} else {
// Normal packet forwarding logic
send(msg, “linkIn$o”, 0); // Forward to a specific link
Final Notes
We had successfully implemented the network rapid fault handling in the OMNeT++ framework that minimizes the downtime over the network. We also provide more information regarding the network rapid fault handling.
To establish rapid fault handling for networks in OMNeT++ tool, our developers are available to provide comprehensive information. Please share your project details for further assistance. Our team can also assist with data encryption and anonymization of network traffic.