To implement security preservation in OMNeT++ has needs to generate mechanisms within the network simulation that address numerous security aspects, like data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This might conclude the encryption, authentication, intrusion detection, or resilience mechanisms. The given below are the steps and delivered a simple example of how to implement security preservation in OMNeT++.
Steps to Implement Security Preservation in OMNeT++
Example: Basic Encryption Mechanism
The given below are the sample setup that executes a simple encryption mechanism in OMNeT++. The encryption mechanism makes sure that information sent from one node to another is encoded and decoded properly.
network SecureNetwork
client: ClientNode {
server: ServerNode {
client.tcpApp <–> server.tcpApp;
Generate a simple encryption module in C++.
class SimpleEncryptor : public cSimpleModule
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
std::string encrypt(const std::string &plaintext);
std::string decrypt(const std::string &ciphertext);
void SimpleEncryptor::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
// For simplicity, assume the message is a cPacket containing a string.
cPacket *packet = check_and_cast<cPacket *>(msg);
std::string data = packet->par(“data”).stringValue();
if (strcmp(msg->getArrivalGate()->getName(), “appIn”) == 0) {
// Encrypt data before sending it out
std::string encryptedData = encrypt(data);
send(packet, “netOut”);
} else {
// Decrypt data after receiving it
std::string decryptedData = decrypt(data);
send(packet, “appOut”);
std::string SimpleEncryptor::encrypt(const std::string &plaintext)
std::string ciphertext = plaintext; // Simple example: Caesar cipher with a shift of 3
for (char &c : ciphertext) {
c = c + 3;
return ciphertext;
std::string SimpleEncryptor::decrypt(const std::string &ciphertext)
std::string plaintext = ciphertext;
for (char &c : plaintext) {
c = c – 3;
return plaintext;
Expand the client and server nodes to contain the encryption module.
simple ClientNode
input appIn;
output appOut;
tcpApp: TcpApp {
encryptor: SimpleEncryptor {
appIn –> encryptor.appIn;
encryptor.appOut –> tcpApp.appIn;
tcpApp.appOut –> encryptor.netIn;
encryptor.netOut –> appOut;
simple ServerNode
input appIn;
output appOut;
tcpApp: TcpApp {
encryptor: SimpleEncryptor {
appIn –> encryptor.appIn;
encryptor.appOut –> tcpApp.appIn;
tcpApp.appOut –> encryptor.netIn;
encryptor.netOut –> appOut;
network = SecureNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
**.tcpApp.numPackets = 10
**.tcpApp.sendInterval = 1s
**.tcpApp.packetLength = 100B
Running the Simulation
In the conclusion, we clearly simulate the security preservation in the network that was executed in the OMNeT++ tool that enhances the data confidentiality and integrity. We plan to deliver additional information regarding the security preservation. are here to support you through every stage of implementing Security Preservation in the OMNeT++ tool. Stay in touch with us to discover more about this subject!