To calculate the network accounting in OMNeT++ has essential to encompasses following and evaluating the usage of network resources by several entities like users, devices, or applications over time. Network accounting is usually contains monitoring bandwidth usage, data volume, connection time, and other metrics that are difficult for billing, auditing, and improving network performance.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Network accounting is the process of gathering data about network usage to understand how resources are utilized. General accounting metrics contain:
To build a network topology where accounting points like routers, switches, or servers view network traffic and resource usage in OMNeT++. These points will track the metrics required for network accounting.
Example: Define a Network with Accounting Points in NED
network AccountingNetwork {
client: Node;
router: Router; // Router acting as an accounting point
server: Server; // Server that client interacts with
client.out++ –>;
router.out++ –>;
Denoting the accounting point like a router, execute the logic to measure and record numerous accounting metrics such as bandwidth usage, data volume, and connection time in the OMNeT++ module.
Example: Implementing Simple Accounting in a Router
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class AccountingRouter : public cSimpleModule {
long totalDataTransmitted = 0;
long totalDataReceived = 0;
simtime_t connectionStartTime;
simtime_t totalConnectionTime;
int connectionCount = 0;
virtual void initialize() override {
connectionStartTime = -1; // No connection active initially
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Track data volume
totalDataTransmitted += msg->getByteLength();
// Record connection time
if (connectionStartTime < 0) {
connectionStartTime = simTime();
send(msg, “out”);
// Track data received
if (msg->arrivedOn(“in”)) {
totalDataReceived += msg->getByteLength();
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate total connection time
if (connectionStartTime >= 0) {
totalConnectionTime += simTime() – connectionStartTime;
// Record accounting metrics
recordScalar(“Total Data Transmitted (bytes)”, totalDataTransmitted);
recordScalar(“Total Data Received (bytes)”, totalDataReceived);
recordScalar(“Total Connection Time (seconds)”, totalConnectionTime.dbl());
recordScalar(“Total Connections”, connectionCount);
Create traffic from the client to the server over the accounting router. The router will track the metrics connected to data transmission, connection times, and resource usage.
Example: Traffic Simulation with Accounting
class Client : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start generating traffic after a delay
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“data”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Send the data to the server through the router
send(msg, “out”);
Observe the metrics accumulated by the accounting router, like total data transmitted, total data received, connection time, and the number of connections. It will be recorded for post-simulation analysis.
Example: Recording Accounting Metrics
class AccountingRouter : public cSimpleModule {
long totalDataTransmitted = 0;
long totalDataReceived = 0;
simtime_t connectionStartTime;
simtime_t totalConnectionTime;
int connectionCount = 0;
virtual void initialize() override {
connectionStartTime = -1;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
totalDataTransmitted += msg->getByteLength();
if (connectionStartTime < 0) {
connectionStartTime = simTime();
send(msg, “out”);
if (msg->arrivedOn(“in”)) {
totalDataReceived += msg->getByteLength();
virtual void finish() override {
if (connectionStartTime >= 0) {
totalConnectionTime += simTime() – connectionStartTime;
recordScalar(“Total Data Transmitted (bytes)”, totalDataTransmitted);
recordScalar(“Total Data Received (bytes)”, totalDataReceived);
recordScalar(“Total Connection Time (seconds)”, totalConnectionTime.dbl());
recordScalar(“Total Connections”, connectionCount);
Investigate the collected accounting data, after running the simulation:
For more complex accounting scenarios, we may need to:
In this example, the AccountingRouter module tracks, connection times, the number of connections, and the total data transmitted and received. This metrics are recorded for post-simulation analysis to assess network usage and performance.
network AccountingExample {
client: Client;
router: AccountingRouter;
server: cModule;
client.out++ –>;
router.out++ –>;
To observe the recorded accounting metrics, like the total data transmitted and received, connection times, and resource utilization by using OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools. This analysis will support we understand how network resources were used and can update decisions related to billing, capacity planning, and network optimization.
Overall, from the above procedure and some examples we shown how to calculate the Network Accounting in OMNeT++ module. Further details we will provide according to your requirements.
Please provide us with the details of your parameters, and we will assist you with your Network Accounting project. We possess all the necessary tools and developers to ensure the successful execution of your work.