To implement the teardrop attack in OMNeT++ has several steps. The term teardrop attack is one of the common types of denial-of-service (DoS) attack that exploits the way uneven IP packets are collected. The attack transfer the fragmented packets with overlapping offset fields that impact the target system to crash or behave unpredictably when it attempts to reassemble them. The below are the brief procedures on how to implement ateardrop attack in OMNeT++ using the INET framework:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
network TeardropAttackNetwork
client: StandardHost;
server: StandardHost;
router: Router;
attacker: StandardHost;
client.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> router.ethg++;
attacker.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> router.ethg++;
router.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> server.ethg++;
Example C++ code for a custom teardrop attack module:
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/contract/ipv4/Ipv4Header_m.h”
#include “inet/applications/base/ApplicationPacket_m.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class TeardropAttack : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendTeardropFragmentedPacket();
void TeardropAttack::initialize()
// Schedule the first packet to be sent
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“startTime”), new cMessage(“sendTeardropPacket”));
void TeardropAttack::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“interval”), msg); // Continuously send fragmented packets
} else {
delete msg;
void TeardropAttack::sendTeardropFragmentedPacket()
// Create a packet that will be fragmented
auto payload = makeShared<ApplicationPacket>();
payload->setChunkLength(B(1024)); // Original packet size
auto packet = new Packet(“TeardropPacket”);
// Create the first fragment
auto fragment1 = packet->dup();
auto ipv4Header1 = makeShared<Ipv4Header>();
ipv4Header1->setIdentification(1); // All fragments have the same ID
ipv4Header1->setFragmentOffset(0); // First fragment offset
ipv4Header1->setMoreFragments(true); // Indicate more fragments
ipv4Header1->setChunkLength(B(20)); // IP header length
// Send the first fragment
send(fragment1, “out”);
// Create the second fragment with an overlapping offset
auto fragment2 = packet->dup();
auto ipv4Header2 = makeShared<Ipv4Header>();
ipv4Header2->setIdentification(1); // Same ID as the first fragment
ipv4Header2->setFragmentOffset(200); // Overlapping offset with the first fragment
ipv4Header2->setMoreFragments(false); // Last fragment
ipv4Header2->setChunkLength(B(20)); // IP header length
// Send the second fragment
send(fragment2, “out”);
delete packet; // Clean up the original packet
Example configuration in omnetpp.ini:
*.attacker.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “TeardropAttack”
*[0].startTime = 1s
*[0].interval = 0.5s // Interval between sending fragmented packets
*.server.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “UdpSink” // or another application to receive the packets
*[0].localPort = 5000
Example Files
We should produce the following files as part of simulation:
In the entire page, we understand how the teardrop attack can implement and analyse the outcomes using the OMNeT++ tool that has generate the topology then it configures the attack simulation and finally implement the teardrop attack module in the C++ language. Additionally if you need more details about how the tear drop will perform in other simulation we will support and provide that too. Find top project ideas and topics about teardrop attacks in OMNeT++. The implementation of teardrop attacks in the OMNeT++ program is done by We offer excellent simulation results and clear explanations for your projects.