To implement the High Performance Computing (HPC) Networking in OMNeT++ encompasses planning and act out a network that simulators the high-speed, low-latency communication supplies of an HPC environment. It is characteristically comprises a large number of interconnected nodes like computing units and high-speed controls. We specialize in implementing High Performance Computing Networking in the OMNeT++ program for your projects. Feel free to reach out to us for guidance, and we’ll ensure you achieve the best simulation and project performance results!
The following steps are by using the INET framework to implementing HPC Networking.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
To make sure the INET framework and OMNeT++ installed.
To define the network topology to make a fresh NED file consisting high-speed modules, and computing nodes.
Example: HPC Network Topology (HPCNetwork.ned)
package hpcnetwork;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
network HPCNetwork
int numNodes = default(16); // Number of computing nodes
coreSwitch: Router {
computingNode[numNodes]: StandardHost {
@display(“p=200,300; r,100”);
connections allowunconnected:
for i=0..numNodes-1 {
computingNode[i].ethg++ <–> Eth1000M <–> coreSwitch.ethg++;
To configure the constraints of the simulation to make and OMNeT++.
Example: Configuration File (omnetpp.ini)
network = hpcnetwork.HPCNetwork
sim-time-limit = 200s
# Visualization
*.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.displayBackground = true
*.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.displayGrid = true
# Computing Node Configuration
*.computingNode*.numApps = 1
*.computingNode*.app[0].typename = “ComputingNodeApp”
*.computingNode*.app[0].destAddresses = “coreSwitch”
*.computingNode*.app[0].destPort = 5000
*.computingNode*.app[0].messageLength = 1024B
*.computingNode*.app[0].sendInterval = 0.1s
# Core Switch Configuration
*.coreSwitch.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “CoreSwitchApp”
*[0].localPort = 5000
# UDP Configuration
*.computingNode*.hasUdp = true
*.coreSwitch.hasUdp = true
# IP Address Configuration
for i=0..15 {
*.computingNode[i].ipv4.config = xmldoc(“computingNode” + string(i) + “.xml”)
*.coreSwitch.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“coreSwitch.xml”)
# QoS Parameters
*.computingNode*.ethg.bitrate = 1Gbps
*.coreSwitch.ethg.bitrate = 1Gbps
To build a XML files to express the IP address configuration to each node.
Example: IP Configuration File for computingNode0 (computingNode0.xml)
For all the computing nodes like comoputingNode2.xml, computingNode.xml, etc. to repeat it.
Example: IP Configuration File for coreSwitch (coreSwitch.xml)
To the requirement to execute the logic for the data reception and transmission to act out HPC applications.
Example: Computing Node Application (Pseudo-Code)
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class ComputingNodeApp : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendData();
void ComputingNodeApp::initialize() {
// Initialization code
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(0, 0.1), new cMessage(“sendData”));
void ComputingNodeApp::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendData”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 0.1, msg);
} else {
// Handle other messages
void ComputingNodeApp::sendData() {
// Logic to send HPC data to the core switch
cMessage *msg = new cMessage(“hpcData”);
send(msg, “out”);
Example: Core Switch Application (Pseudo-Code)
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class CoreSwitchApp : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void processData(cMessage *msg);
void CoreSwitchApp::initialize() {
// Initialization code
void CoreSwitchApp::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
// Process data from computing nodes
void CoreSwitchApp::processData(cMessage *msg) {
// Logic to process data from computing nodes
delete msg; // Example: simply delete the message after processing
The above scripts, we are demonstrate detailed that to implement HPC application logics, to state the network topology, some examples , run the simulations, and how to execute the High Performance Computing Networking in OMNeT++. Now we had an idea to provide valuable informations and thoughts about to implement the High Performance Computing Networking in OMNeT++.